How To Talk to Your Loved Ones About Nursing Home Abuse

Published on Jul 24, 2024 at 7:49 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

When you need to transition a family member to an assisted living facility in Kentucky, the hope is that they will receive the same level of care as they would get in your home. Sadly, many of these facilities are either understaffed or have poorly trained employees. That puts resident care at risk.

If you suspect there is an issue, then you need to talk with your loved one about whether they’re being abused or neglected. Do you know how to talk to your loved ones about nursing home abuse, though? We’ll share how to do it below.

Recognizing the Signs of Abuse and Neglect

Recently, the Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Governor Andy Beshear announced that $2.3 million in federal funds would support Kentucky’s investigation into nursing home abuse. Those actions highlight how serious this issue is for families across the state.

Before you file an official complaint, you must recognize the signs of nursing home abuse. These are examples of what to look for:

  • Visible signs of injuries, such as cuts or bruises.
  • Frequent infections
  • Changes in behavior and mood
  • Suspicious financial transactions

When you witness an issue with the care at an assisted living facility, you need to look into the matter. You are still the advocate for your family member. If you have a HIPAA release in place, you will be able to access medical records to look for a possible explanation for any of those signs of abuse.

Talking To Your Loved Ones About Nursing Home Abuse

You will first need to discuss any concerns you have with your family member. To do so, you’ll want to take them to a quiet place where you can discuss the situation confidentially. Just be aware that they might feel intimidated and afraid to speak up.

You want to ask them questions like the following, depending on the type of abuse you believe that they are enduring:

  • Are you eating three meals a day?
  • How often are you given a bath?
  • Are you given your medications regularly?
  • Do you get to socialize with other residents?
  • Do you ever feel threatened by a member of the staff?
  • Is there a particular caretaker that has been causing you problems?
  • What do you want to tell me that you can’t discuss with those working here?

These are the kinds of questions you should be asking even if you don’t see signs of abuse. It might be that your loved one doesn’t feel comfortable discussing the matter with you. They might feel embarrassed. You could arrange for them to talk with an outside doctor or therapist if you’re concerned they are being mistreated and not being straightforward in sharing the details with you.

What To Do If You Suspect a Loved One Is Being Abused in a KY Nursing Care Facility

You should first talk with the staff at the Lexington nursing home to see if there is a logical explanation for the changes you notice. It could be that there are innocent reasons for your loved one’s bruise or change in mood when you visit.

If the explanations aren’t to your satisfaction, you can file a formal complaint with the Adult Protection Branch. This is the state agency that provides general and protective adult services. Aside from the mood changes, all other signs of abuse should be documented. You may want to take photos and videos to document what you see. That documentation will help support your complaint with the Adult Protection Branch.

That formal complaint is just the first step. You might also want to seek legal representation with the Peterson Law Office. Our law firm has extensive experience handling cases involving nursing home abuse.

Addressing the Issue Head On

Whether your loved one admits they’re being mistreated, someone else like a doctor, therapist, or eyewitness confirms your suspicions, or you just have that nagging feeling something isn’t right, the guidance a nursing home abuse attorney provides can prove invaluable. Our legal team at Peterson Law Office can launch a thorough investigation and, if your suspicions are confirmed, advise you of ways to hold responsible parties liable for the abusive treatment they inflicted upon your loved one. So, call us to schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation today.

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